is it hot in here Or is it just us! 100 deal incall only - 25
Posted : Monday, March 15, 2021 05:22 AM
"you crave my mouth, your voice, your hair. Silent and starving, I prowl
through the streets. Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day I
hunt for the liquid measure of your steps. I hunger for your sleek laugh, your
hands the color of a savage harvest, hunger for the pale stones of your
fingernails, I want to eat your skin like a whole almond. I want to eat the
sunbeam flaring in your lovely body, the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes, and I pace around hungry,
sniffing the twilight, hunting for you, for your hot heart, like a puma in the
barrens of Quitratue." —
• Poster's age : 25
• Mobile :
• Location : Huntsville
• Post ID: 698879